What does the sea make you think of? Crashing waves, crumbling sandcastles . . . maybe a squawking seagull or two? Well how about . . .
Ghost ships! Mega sharks! The Bermuda triangle! Zombie starfish! Psychic sea serpents! And don't even get us started on something called the Hot Tub of Despair . . .
You see, the sea is actually weird. Really weird. Not only is it full of amazing creatures and mini monsters, some of the world's most mind-blowing myths and legends revolve around the sea too.
So what are you waiting for? Get ready to dive in and discover some of the incredible secrets of our weird, wonderful and totally wild oceans.
Meet Ig Pig and Og Frog! Together they are Ig and Og and they are the best of friends. Just the two of them. They do EVERYTHING together, including playing in a super cool, crazy loud, totally rocking rock band! Until Og meets SOMEONE ELSE! And Ig starts feeling VERY left out. Find out how Ig deals with jealousy in this sparkling debut about friendship.
Published by David Fickling Books on April 2, 2020.
Written by Lou Treleaven
Published in 2017 by Maverick Books
Self initiated illustrations for Dodie Smith's The Hundred and One Dalmatians